BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC A.K.A. Oakway & Seneca, SC Version 2.2, 10-Nov-2009, C010.TXT, C010 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 HISTORY WRITE-UP : Kirby Winstead Sr of Bethel Baptist Church TRANSCRIPTION .. : Cawthon Family at in Aug-2002 CEMETERY LOCATION: ------------------ Locate intersection of Highways 11 and 24. Drive 1.8 miles SE on Highway 24 to SR 182 (Oakway Road). Turn right and drive 0.5 miles SE to S 37-51 (Bethel Church Road). Turn left and drive 0.1 miles NE. Latitude N 34 35.846 x Longitude W 83 01.128 CHURCH/CEMETERY HISTORY: ------------------------ May 7, 1831: Bethel Baptist Church of Christ established by Perkins Creek Baptist Church. July, 1832: Bethel constituted by George Landiver, D. Hutchings, Thomas Dawson, and Robert Beaty. 1859: The church divided, forming Flat Rock (which became South Union) and New Bethel. New Bethel families included the McGuffins, Beardens, Cains, Masons, Eubanks, and others. Civil War Era: Bethel lost five members, received black slaves and freedmen and women as members. One ex-slave is buried in the cemetery. 1880: Second building was constructed across the road from the original structure.(Picture Caption: Proud of the Past; Prepared for the Present; Planning for the Future)1896: Bethel Church, along with the rest of Fork Association and Bethel Association, merged to form Beaverdam Association. 1922: B.Y.P.U. first organized under the leadership of Miss Eleise King. 1923: Eleven classrooms were added. 1950: Reverend L.D. Tinsley was called as Bethel's first full-time pastor. 1951: First pastorium was constructed. 1952: Under Reverend Dial Jacks, Bethel begins new sanctuary on land donated by Winfred Bearden. September, 1954: Old building demolished; some of the wood was used in current structure. March 27, 1955: Building dedicated; Reverend L.D. Tinsley brought dedication message. December 8, 1955: Reverend P.S. Leonard presented baptistery scene to the church. 1968: New pastorium constructed. 1955: Bethel began a bus ministry; employed Derrick Merck as its first youth director. 1977-78: Fellowship Building constructed, educational area renovated. March 20, 1988: Dedicated two story educational building. April 4, 1944: Began expansion/renovation of sanctuary. September 11, 1994: "Hallelujah Day"; began week of dedication services with former pastors speaking each evening. Pastors of Bethel Baptist Church: 1831-1833 Brother Haynes; 1833-1834 Drury Hutchins; 1834-1835 Henry M. Barton; 1835 Samuel Isbell; 1835-1837 Andrew McGuffin; 1837 Drury Hutchins; 1838-1842 Hiram Leeroy; 1842-1847 Barrick Chambers; 1847-1848 S. Hembree; 1848-1849 Henry M. Barton; 1849-1853 Samuel Isbell; 1853-1856 Brother Morton; 1856-1857 William Kelley; 1858-1859 Brother Butler; 1859-1861 Andrew McGuffin; 1861-1862 B. Wall; 1862-1864 Jesse Brown; 1864-1875 W.W. Abbott; 1875-1883 Jesse Brown; 1883-1896 Jamison; 1896-1905 J.M. McGuire; 1905-1907 S.A. McDaniel; 1907-1910 Herrings; 1910-1912 Martin; 1912-1915 Lavender; 1915-1918 C.D. Boyd; 1918-1921 J.A. Martin; 1921-1922 W.W. Davidson; 1922-1925 L.A. Raines; 1925-1927 W.W. Leathers; 1927-1950 L.A. Raines; 1950-1952 L.D. Tinsley; 1952-1955 Dial Jacks; 1955-1960 P.S. Leonard; 1960-1966 P.M. Dorr; 1966-1972 Donald L. Bishop; 1972-1973 Donald Chasteen; 1974 Haskell White; 1975-1978 Ron Coker; 1978-1981 Ronny Byrd; 1981- 1992 Randy Keasler; 1994-Present Kirby Winstead, Sr. Submitted by: Kirby Winstead Sr TOMBSTONE TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: ------------------------------ a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife ABLES, Clark, b. 13-oct-1825, d. 12-nov-1862, in loving memory, mr ables is buried in unmarked grave in danville virginia, csa, pvt ABLES, Ellen Jane, b. 5-aug-1854, d. 7-dec-1878, on single headstone beside wm. harrison ables ABLES, Mary, b. c1825, d. 25-feb-1909, says died aged 84 years ABLES, William Harrison, b. 2-aug-1850, d. 30-mar-1892, on single headstone beside ellen jane AIKEN, Daniel, d. apr-18-1877, says died aged about 65 years ARNOLD, Elbert, b. may-7-1892, d. mar-13-1917 BARRETT, Audry F., b. 1947, d. 1948, a. 1y, double marker with mary l barrett BARRETT, C.A., b. 20-nov-1884, d. 28-jun-1962, a. 76y 7m 8d, double marker with sally s barrett BARRETT, James Kenneth, b. 2-feb-1942, d. 14-jun-1959, a. 17y 4m 12d BARRETT, Mary L., b. 1941, d. 1941, double marker with audry f barrett BARRETT, Nannie T., 4-may-1921 BARRETT, Sallie S., d. 3-jun-1968, a. 73, double marker with c a barrett BARRETT, Willie "Bill", b. 10-oct-1916, d. 28-jan-1977, a. 60y 3m 18d, double marker with nannie t barrett, pfc us army wwII BEARDEN, Andrew, b. 16-apr-1844, d. 9-jan-1920, 1st wife: mary m bearden, 2nd wife nannie l bearden BEARDEN, Annie Haley, b. 1875, d. 1951, a. 76y, double marker with joseph s bearden BEARDEN, Annie Ruth Bowen, b. 1-sep-1899, d. 23-may-1981, h. andrew hill bearden, s. daniel asa bearden BEARDEN, Buck Asa, b. 19-mar-1913, d. 16-nov-1983, a. 70y, p. walker & mary hill bearden, w. louise hartzog bearden BEARDEN, Daniel Asa, b. 29-sep-1924, d. 26-may-1996, a. 71y, p. andrew hill & annie ruth bowen bearden, s2 us navey wwII BEARDEN, Elizabeth, b. 11-mar-1918, d. 20-dec-1920, 2y 8m 9d, p. m/m h.r. bearden BEARDEN, Elizabeth, b. 28-jun-1808, d. 7-dec-1911, a. 103y 5m 10d, h. wm. bearden BEARDEN, Elizabeth D., b. 9-mar-1883, d. 4-may-1975, a. 92y 1m 25d, double marker with h russell bearden BEARDEN, Ella Elizabeth, b. 20-sep-1872, d. 30-dec-1962, a. 90y 3m 10d BEARDEN, Ellen Land, b. 24-may-1838, d. 3-jul-1910, a. 72y 1m 7d, h. joseph bearden BEARDEN, Emma, b. 15-jun-1859, d. 2-feb-1926, next to james v bearden BEARDEN, Exie Standridge, b. 18-sep-1903, d. 23-nov-1923, a. 20y 2m 5d, double marker with robert leon standridge, also here is john henry standridge BEARDEN, Frances R., b. 1824, d. 12-sep-1895, a. 71y, h. w.t. bearden, birth should read 1842 per vivian parkman BEARDEN, H. Russell, b. 9-mar-1879, d. 26-mar-1943, a. 64y 17d, double marker with elizabeth d bearden BEARDEN, infant dtr., b. 10-jul-1907, d. 21-jul-1907, a. 11d, p. w.w. & mary bearden BEARDEN, James V., b. 1899, d. 1959, a. 60y, next to emma bearden BEARDEN, James W., b. 6-dec-1848, d. 6-oct-1915, next to w. julia hayes bearden BEARDEN, John W., b. 3-feb-1869, d. 21-dec-1891, a. 22y 9m 18d, p. w.t. & rebecca bearden BEARDEN, Joseph Sylvester, b. 1877, d. 1961, a. 84y, double marker with annie haley bearden BEARDEN, Joseph, b. 1-dec-1838, d. 13-may-1914, a. 75y 5m 12d, w. ellen land bearden BEARDEN, Julia Hayes, b. 18-may-1848, d. 18-aug-1923, a. 75y 3m, h. james w. bearden BEARDEN, Louise Hartzog, b. 10-apr-1919, d. 2-nov-1986, a. 67y, p. chas. a. & vernon gray hartzog, h. buck asa bearden BEARDEN, Manolia, b. 19-feb-1906, d. 23-jun-1931, a. 25y 4m 4d BEARDEN, Mary Hill, b. 1874, d. 1964, a. 90y, double marker with william walker bearden BEARDEN, Mary M., b. 29-dec-1843, d. 12-may-1896, a. 52y 4m 13d, h. andrew bearden BEARDEN, Nannie H., b. 14-may-1853, d. 13-apr-1915, a. 61y 11m 28d, h. andrew bearden BEARDEN, Pauline, b. 21-sep-1902, d. 11-aug-1934, a. 31y 11m 18d BEARDEN, Rena L., no dates, h. w.t. bearden BEARDEN, Robert Leon, b. 30-jul-1900, d. 22-apr-1961, a. 60y 8m 27d, double marker with exie s bearden BEARDEN, Russell Fate, b. 31-jan-1908, d. 25-sep-1926, a. 18y 7m 28d, p. hr & lizzie h bearden BEARDEN, Ruth Bowen, b. 1899, d. 1981, a. 82y BEARDEN, Samuel H., b. 28-dec-1858, d. 23-may-1934, a. 75y 4m 25d BEARDEN, Thomas O., b. 21-nov-1882, d. 2-jan-1914 BEARDEN, William Hilton, b. 17-feb-1923, d. 1-jul-1935, a. 12y 4m 14d BEARDEN, William T., no dates, w. frances r. bearden BEARDEN, William T., no dates, co f, sc rifles csa BEARDEN, William Walker, b. 1870, d. 1962, a. 92y, double marker with mary hill bearden BEARDEN, William, b. 10-apr-1810, d. 20-mar-1882, a. 71y 11m 10d, w. elizabeth bearden BLACK, Clinton Eugene, b.7-jan-1932, d.29-july-1998, w. rosie jane grant black, p. roy clemons & callie elizabeth collins black BLACK, Essie E., b.22-feb-1892, d.30-july-1962, double marker with grover j BLACK, Grover J., b.19-june-1891, d.30-mar-1972, double marker with essie e, neville black also here BLACK, Neville, b.28-mar-1918, d.30-july-1939, same plot as grover j black BLACK, Rosie Jane Grant, b. 26-jan-1926, no date of death, double marker with clinton eugene black BOWEN, Adger Dewitt, b.4-apr-1889, d.6-nov-1969, beside ethel eubanks bowen BOWEN, Emma Crooks, b.20-mar-1876, d.17-feb-1950, double marker with wm. a. BOWEN, Ethel Eubanks, b.6-aug-1894, d.24-may-1972, next to adger dewitt bowen BOWEN, James Lamar, b. 11-may-1926, d. 6-jul-1972, tsgt us army wwII BOWEN, Reece, b.20-feb-1914, d.18-aug-1914, p. w.a. & emma bowen BOWEN, Thormahlan, b.2-june-1916, d.4-nov-1916, p. mr. & mrs. a.d. bowen BOWEN, William A., b.13-june-1856, d.23-july-1933, double marker with emma crooks bowen, son : reece bowen here also BRAMLETT, Infant Boy, b. 1937, d. 1937, on funeral marker only BRAMLETT, Infant Daughter, p. W. J. & E. C., b. 12-nov-1890, d. 26-dec-1890, on single headstone BROOME, Emma Price, b. 14-nov-1883, d. 24-dec-1965; on single headstone; buried in sam price plots. BROWN, Belle Bearden, b. 27-sep-1874, d. 18-jan-1956, next to samuel leard brown BROWN, Evelyn Cordelia, b. 25-nov-1906 in oconee co. , d. 23-Dec-1982; dtr. of samuel l. & belle bearden brown; surv: sis. sara brown & mrs. julia brunson. (a.i., 12-24-82, pg. 10a, col. e) BROWN, Inf. son of S. L. and Belle, b. 18-Jan-1904, 6-Feb-1904; on single headstone; buried in samuel leard brown plots BROWN, Mary Sue, b. 11-aug-1908, d. 30-may-1978, see samuel leard brown BROWN, Samuel Leard, b. 4-oct-1876, d. 23-jun-1958; on single headstone beside belle bearden brown; has brown header; also here: mary sue, evelyn cordelia, sara, elizabeth and inf. son of s. l.. & belle. BROWN, Sara Elizabeth, b. 7-nov-1911, d. 18-aug-2000; a. 88 yrs, on single headstone; p. samuel leard & belle bearden brown BRUCE, Carrie C., b. 1871, d. 1965; on double headstone with will n.; separate vase unit says father & mother; funeral marker says carrrie b BRUCE, Hepsie Harden, b. 28-aug-1873, d. 6-nov-1931?, h. s p bruce BRUCE, Inf. dau. of S. P. & H. E. Bruce, b. 19-Nov-1909, d. 20-Nov-1920; on single headstone; also here: wm. h. bruce BRUCE, Juanita, b. 19-Jun-1890, d. 15-May-1970; on single headstone; buried in will n. bruce plots BRUCE, Will N., b. 1860, d. 1930; on double headstone with carrie c.; also here: juanita v.; says father & mother on separate vase unit. BRUCE, William H., b. 5-Sep-1905, d. 30-Nov-1907; on single headstone; says son of s. p. & h. e. ; also here: inf of s. p. & h. e BURDETTE, Brenda Evelyn, b. 3-feb-1952, d. no date of death, double marker with estelle price burdette BURDETTE, Estelle Price, b. 14-jan-1912, d. 3-jan-1992, double marker with brenda evelyn burdette, h. leonard b., p. joe berry & sarah susie wilbanks price, s. david, leonard, & manuel, d. judy galbreath & brenda BURDETTE, Jonah L., b. 13-may-1913, d. 6-may-1964, ondouble headstone with maudie mae BURDETTE, Maudie Mae, b. 30-nov-1914, d. no date of death, on double headstone with jonah l. BURKETT, Preston Virgil, b. 6-sep-1943, d. 28-nov-1996, w. sandra sheriff burkett, p. byron verner sr. & mildred ruth nelms burkett, sn us navy, vietnam BURRISS, Marion, b. 5-oct-1928, d. 7-oct-1928, p. j. f. & belle g. burriss CAIN, Earle W., b. 26-may-1870, d. 15-dec-1895 CARROLL, Cora E. Gray, b. 28-mar-1897, d. 25-mar-1985, dbl. headstone with george n., h. geo. nalley carroll, p. wm. arthur & jessie massey gray CARROLL, Genevieve Simpson, b. 10-oct-1909, d. 25-mar-1988, dbl. headstone with john h., p. dock & lula pitts simpson CARROLL, George N., b. 27-apr-1894, d. 21-jun-1983, dbl. headstone with cora e. gray carroll, p. john & mary hobson carroll CARROLL, Jenny Lou, b. 20-jan-1941, d. 21-jan-1941, single headstone, buried in john h. carroll plots CARROLL, John Henry, b. 3-aug-1908, d. 25-mar-1987, dbl. headstone with genevieve s., p. james clifton & minnie simpson carroll, also here: jenny lou & mary ellen CARROLL, Mary Ellen, b. 17-sept-1944, d. 14-nov-1960, single headstone, buried in john h. carroll plots CHASTIE, Frances Gibbs, b. 8-nov-1932, d. no date of death, single headstone CHILD, Genevieve Honea, b. 15-nov-1916, d. 4-dec-2000, in p. james waymon & effie hix honea plot, h. robert r child CHILDS, Claude M., b. 1883, d. 1970, single headstone beside wife junie c. jaynes childs CHILDS, inf daughter of harry & peggy childs, b.1951, d. 1951 CHILDS, Junie C. Jaynes, b. 4-jun-1891, d. 20-oct-1931, single headstone beside husband claude m CLARKE, Rebecca Daly, Mrs., b. 12-jul-1858, d. 2-jul-1934, single headstone, buried in mahulda daly plots COLE, Edna Z., b. 6-apr-1900, d. 23-may-1901, single headstone says d/o j.h. & e.e. cole; stone is broken COLE, Furman E., b. 20-jul-1912, d. no date of death, w. newree h cole, double marker with newree COLE, Louie W., b. 4-jul-1919, d. 26-mar-1920, single headstone says s/o mr & mrs c.b. cole COLE, Mary E., b. 27-jul-1835, d. 16-oct-1918, single headstone beside husband n.p cole COLE, N. P., b. 4-sept-1828, d. 28-aug-1903, single headstone beside wife mary e.; also here: edna z., pvt csa co c2 regt sc rifles COLE, Newree H., b. 26-aug-1912, d. no date of death, h. furman e cole, double marker with furman e cole COX, Emma Bearden, b. 15-jun-1859, d. 2-feb-1926, single headstone says mother; also here: james v. bearden CROCKER, Betty Brady, b. 29-feb-1878, d. 31-jan-1963, dbl. headstone with henry c CROCKER, Clyde, b. 17-may-1938, d. 15-apr-1940, same plot as inf dau of mr & mrs george crocker CROCKER, Henry C., b. 6-aug-1876, d. 22-sept-1938, dbl. headstone with betty brady crocker CROCKER, inf daughter of george & mattie crocker, same plot as clyde crocker CROCKER, Robert L., b. 1881, d. 1925, single headstone beside etter, has woodmen of the world emblem DALY, Bernard Andrew, b. 13-may-1865, d. 29-sept-1938, also here: sue a. & lolo; buried in mahulda daly plots DALY, D. T., b. 30-jul-1862, d. 21-mar-1955, single headstone, buried in mahulda daly plots DALY, Lolo, b. 27-mar-1902, d. 19-mar-1903, single headstone says child of b.a. & s.a. daly; buried in sue a daly plots DALY, Mahulda, b. 21-oct-1832, d. 7-feb-1892, dbl. headstone with ann inman, says w/o john daly; separate stone says mother - also here: sue a., lolo, bernard andrew, d.t. daly & mrs. rebecca daly clarke DALY, Sue A., b. 23-apr-1875, d. 9-aug-1902, single headstone says w/o b.a. daly, buried in mahulda daly plots DAVIS, Abigail Sharon, b. 5-jun-1942, d. no date of death, also here is grace kindley & linda amelia david DAVIS, Cora J., b. 1876, d. 1913, dbl. headstone with husband j. floyd davis DAVIS, Grace Kindley, b. 9-feb-1902, d. no date of death, next to abigail sharon and linda amelia david DAVIS, J. Floyd, b. 1864, d. 1940, dbl. headstone with wife cora j., says husband DAVIS, James Berkley, b. 4-apr-1897, d. 30-dec-1984, w. mary grace kindley davis; s/o james floyd & cora henbree davis; pvt us army wwII DAVIS, Julian Walter, b. 16-oct-1907, d. 21-aug-1990, w. mary louise myers davis; s/o walter reid & elizabeth smith davis; col us army WWII, also grandma matilda, grace kindley, abigail sharon, linda amelia davis DAVIS, Linda Amelia, b. 31-jul-1944, d. no date of death, also here is grace kindley & abigail sharon davis DAVIS, Louise Myers, b. 5-oct-1910, d. no date of death, h. julian w davis DAVIS, Matilda, stone reads "grandma matilda" in the james berkley davis plot, no last name on stone...assumed davis DURHAM, Ronnie Cecil, b. 1948, d. 9-may-2002, w. nellie g durham, p. rudolph b & sara hix durham ELLIS, Delenia Ann, b. 18-dec-1822, d. 30-jan-1891, h. william g., stone says "married in her 16th year" ELLIS, E. Grady, b. 5-feb-1900, d. 27-dec-1992, w. lucy elwell ellis, p. romulous & lucy mcdonald ellis ELLIS, Eustes C., b. 31-jul-1933, d. 16-nov-1953 ELLIS, Eva Elizabeth Hembre, b.28-jul-1899, d. 1-jul-1986, w. holland ellis, p. floyd davis & cora hembre,*stone reads eva davis ellis ELLIS, W. A. Holland, b. 2-jan-1894, d. 20-oct-1979, w. eva ellis ELLIS, Homer N., b. 6-jan-1930, d. 2-oct-1941, buried in e. grady ellis plots ELLIS, Joseph Cullen, b. 20-jul-1911, d.4-dec-1985, w. rosa cain ellis, p. romulus & lucy ann mcdonald ellis ELLIS, Lucy E., b. 18-may-1905, d. 15-feb-1977, on double headstone with e. grady ELLIS, Lucy McDonald, b. 8-apr-1868, d. 8-apr-1930, on double headstone with romuless n ELLIS, Ralph G., b. 27-oct-1924, d. 1-sep-1925, buried in e. grady ellis plots ELLIS, Romuless N., b. 1-jan-1861, d. 10-may-1925, on double headstone with lucy mcdonald ellis ELLIS, Rosa Cain, b. 2-oct-1910, d. 16-oct-1994, h. joseph cullen ellis, p. burrell & evie harbin cain, ELLIS, Sarah E., b. 12-mar-1920, d. 22-mar-1923, next to wah & eva ellis ELLIS, William G., b. 22-aug-1812, d. 18-feb-1904, w. delenia ann ELWELL, James F., b. 7-nov-1876, d. 15-oct-1943, on double headstone with nellie b ELWELL, Nellie B., b. 8-mar-1879, d. 12-nov-1958, on double headstone with james f. EUBANKS, Amanda Tulula, b. 6-may-1866, d. 22-oct-1946, on double headstone with john a EUBANKS, John A., b. 10-jan-1863, d. 25-mar-1941, on double headstone with amanda tulula, daughter victoria eubanks also here EUBANKS, Victoria, b. 29-nov-1888, d. 30-mar-1895, p. j.a. & a.t. eubanks FOSTER, Tekoa W., b. 23-oct-1860 d. 26-sep-1903, says wife of a l foster GAMBRELL, Elsie Virginia Gray, b. 9-apr-1909, d. 21-sep-2001, a. 92 yrs, h. wilton e gambrell, p. john & elvie gray GAMBRELL, Ida Brown, b.13-jun-1874, d. 29-may-1952, double marker with t. edward GAMBRELL, James Clinton, b. 17-dec-1912, d.27-feb-1988, p. thomas edward & ida josephine brown gambrell, w. sara lois haynie gambrell GAMBRELL, Peggy W., b. 1923, d. no date of death, double marker with ray n gambrell GAMBRELL, Ray N., b. 1915, d. no date of death, double marker with peggy w gambrell GAMBRELL, Sara Lois Haynie, b. 27-aug-1919, d.17-aug-1987, h. james clinton "peck" gambrell, p. george washington & mary lois browne haynie GAMBRELL, Thomas Edward, b.27-feb-1871, d. 14-may-1948, double marker with ida brown gambrell GAMBRELL, Wilton Edward "Bill", b. 13-sep-1910, d.21-dec-1983, p. thomas edward & ida brown gambrell, w. elsie gray gambrell, msgt us army wwII GARRISON, James Earl, b. 26-mar-1953, d. no date of death, next to patricia ann bowen garrison GARRISON, Patricia Ann Bowen, b. 25-dec-1934, d. 24-aug-1994, next to james earl garrison GIBSON, Alex, b.2-sept-1917, d.21-dec-1917, says son of mr. & mrs. g.f. gibson GIBSON, Andy A., b.1870, d.1955, double marker with emaline mc GIBSON, Callie S., b.25-apr-1873, d.27-sept-1930, double marker with enoch b GIBSON, Emaline Mc., b.1867, d.1923, double marker with andy a GIBSON, Enoch B., b.28-nov-1871, d.13-apr-1932, double marker with callie s GIBSON, G.R., b.7-nov-1853, d.23-mar-1921 GIBSON, George, b.8-jan-1870, d.17-jan-1940, double marker with jane, also here glenn w gibson, alex gibson, robert rogers GIBSON, Glenn W., 1927, only date, says: son of mr. & mrs. r.l. gibson GIBSON, infant dtr. of W.T. & E.M., 1899, only date GIBSON, Jane, b.2-jan-1876, d.9-sept-1917, double marker with george GIBSON, Maranda B. b.1868, d.1924, double marker with wm. t. GIBSON, Nellie, b.18-july-1901, d.24-aug-1917 GIBSON, William T., b.1868, d.1951, double marker with maranda b GIGLIO, Dorothy L., b.1923, d. no date of death, double marker with john r GIGLIO, John R., b.1923, d.4-jan-1987, paper says: john rosario giglio, w. dorothy lee giglio, p. john b. & jessie barnett giglio, navy vet WWII & korea GILREATH, Joe Frank, b.5-mar-1911, d.7-sept-1984, w. mary chastain gilreath, p. frank haney & eliza gilliam gilreath GILSTRAP, Bub, b. 1874, d.1937 GRAHAM, Bertha Eubanks, b.21-sept-1885, d.26-dec-1960, beside john g. graham GRAHAM, Dennis Henry, b.27-aug-1913, d. 22-mar-1976, double marker with mary emma graham GRAHAM, Dohnia Myers, b.31-mar-1889, d.9-nov-1971, double marker with lester c GRAHAM, Earl T., b.1929, d. no date of death, double marker with jeanette e GRAHAM, Gladys Smalley, b. 5-sep-1918, d. 3-apr-1987, double marker with marion cecil graham GRAHAM, Jeanette E., b.1931, d. no date of death, double marker with earl t. GRAHAM, John G., b.26-jan-1883, d.21-june-1939, beside bertha eubanks graham GRAHAM, Lester C., b.9-aug-1887, d.11-jan-1939, double marker with dohnia myers graham GRAHAM, Marion Cecil, b.17-aug-1910, d.9-jan-1988, p. lester c. & dohnia myers graham, w. gladys smalley graham GRAHAM, Mary Emma, b. 7-sep-1914, d. 12-oct-1993, double marker with dennis henry graham GRANT, Bessie B., b.15-oct-1919, double marker with milford e GRANT, Clara Florence H., b.28-apr-1883, d.17-feb-1965, double marker with noah preston grant GRANT, Fannie E., b.27-may-1860, d.30-jan-1953, next to sam grant, sr. GRANT, Milford E., b.5-june-1912, d.22-apr-1963, double marker with bessie b grant, sc pvt 1866 service unit wwII GRANT, Noah Preston, b.3-may-1876, d.18-sept-1957, double marker with clara florence h GRANT, Ottis A., b.1902, d.1922 GRANT, Ralph, b.8-may-1926, d.23-oct-1928 GRANT, Sam, Sr., b.16-oct-1839, d.19-dec-1928, next to fannie e grant GRAY Joe Massey, b.28-mar-1910, d.26-may-1956 GRAY, Earl L., b.7-mar-1926, d.4-may-1953 GRAY, Harold, b.21-oct-1908, d.21-sept-1929 GRAY, Jessie M., b.4-sept-1882, d.1-dec-1962, beside w.a GRAY, Louie M., b.6-mar-1923, d.3-sept-1969 GRAY, Mary E., b.14-feb-1918, d.21-mar-1918, says infant of w.i. & m.b. gray GRAY, W.A., b.23-aug-1875, d.4-apr-1933 HALEY, Clarence, b.16-dec-1896, d.31-dec-1996, p. j.o.b. & r.f. HALEY, Inez, b.12-sept-1900, d.22-may-1901, p. j.o.b. & r.f. HALEY, Lucile, b.13-may-1906, d.12-july-1906, dtr. of j.o.b. & r.f. haley, HALEY, M. Eula, Miss, b.17-july-1892, d.10-oct-1914, dtr.of mr. & mrs.j.o.b., HALEY, Rebecca Florence, b.20-aug-1868, d.7-aug-1912, single marker says wife of j.o.b. haley HARDEN, Amanda C, b.22-sept-1855, d.17-july-1916, double marker with james e HARDEN, James E., b.19-feb-1851, d.22-feb-1914, double marker with amanda c HARDEN, Mahala T., b.24-june-1888, d.30-june-1917 HARDEN, Octavie Gibson Roberts, b.1894, d.28-aug-1983, double marker with olin c roberts, p. andy alexander & rachel emaline mccall gibson, 1st. h. olin c. roberts, 2nd h. will harden HARDEN, Ruth Mae Perry, b.6-may-1910, d.15-apr-1938 HARDEN, William L., 28-apr-1876, d. 27-dec-1953 HARDEN, William M., b.20-june-1827, d.3-nov-1907, beside elizabeth hardin (spelled hardin, and he is harden) HARDIN, Elizabeth, b.mar-1829, d.28-june-1909, beside wm. m. hardin HARRIS, Julia Watkins, b.1925C, d.21-dec-1991, p. lindsey bishop & etta martha nicholson watkins, h. warren harris,**did not see this marker HAYES, Virginia (Ginny), b. 21-apr-1928, d. no date of death, double marker with william hayes HAYES, William (Bill), b. 12-aug-1928, d. no date of death, double marker with virginia hayes HAYNES, Lillie Mae White, b.30-jun-1917, d.4-apr-1990, p. w.l. & o'neilie meeks white, h. d.t. haynes HAYNES, D.T. "Buck", b.29sep-1918, d.18-mar-1995, p. james h. & zena cain haynes, w. lilly mae white haynes HENRY, Eleise King, b.9-dec-1901, d.7-feb-1994, p. sylvester blakley & may bearden king, h. john henry HIGHSMITH, William Virgil, b.20-may-1932, d. 5-jul-2002, w. betty o'dell highsmith HILL, Annie H., b.24-sept-1892, d.20-nov-1965, double marker with george r HILL, George, R., b.27-aug-1887, d.19-oct-1934, double marker with annie h HOBSON, Eliza Viola, b. 2-jun-1887, d. 5-jul-1887, single headstone, p. l. h. v. & m. e HOLLIDAY, Guynell H., b. 2-apr-1932, d. no date of death, double marker with james e holliday HOLLIDAY, James E., b. 18-jul-1930, d. no date of death, double marker with guynell h holliday HOLLIDAY, Jeremy Quinn, only date 1972, single headstone HOLLIFIELD, Anthony Michael, b. 3-sep-1976, d. 3-sep-1976, single headstone HONEA, Effie Missouri Hix., b. 20-jun-1885, d. 8-jun-1960, single headstone beside h. james waymon honea HONEA, James Waymon, b. 17-feb-1889, d. 29-jan-1979, single headstone beside w. effie h. has honea header, also here is lela bell honea and genevieve honea child HONEA, Lela Bell, b. 20-nov-1909, d. 18-mar-2002, in same plot as p. james waymon & effie m h honea HUDGENS, Bertie Mae, b.29-jan-1904, d.24-mar-1975, double marker with j. millard hudgens HUDGENS, Clifton M., b.19-jan-1919, d.18-mar-1920, p. geo. & eva hudgens HUDGENS, Florene, b.29-oct-1926, d.4-feb-1929, p. millard & bertie hudgens HUDGENS, J. Millard, b.15-june-1900, d.31-may-1960, double marker with bertie mae HUDGINS, Audrey Putman, b. 20-aug-1921, d. no date of death, double marker with james w hudgins HUDGINS, Eva W., b.1899, d.1970, double marker with geo. d HUDGINS, George D., b.1895, d.1962, double marker with eva w, clifton hudgens here also HUDGINS, James W., b.2-jan-1921, d.19-july-1990, p. george d. & eva waters hudgins, w. audrey putman hudgins HUDGINS, Nannie H., b.23-nov-1903, d.17-oct-1987, p. oscar a. & lula clark hollingsworth, h. s.t. HUDGINS, Olin David, b.1936, d.3-may-1999, p. s.t. & nannie hollingsworth hudgins HUDGINS, Oscar Ross, b.22-jan-1936, d.10-jan-1979 HUDGINS, S.T. "Buster", b.25-dec-1898, d.30-july-1965, double marker with nannie h HUFF, America J. Rodgers, b.31-jan-1852, d.20-july-1926, h. benjamin HUFF, Benjamin F., b.18-mar-1852, d.4-july-1946, w. america j. rodgers huff HUNTER, Mary H., b.2-apr-1831, d.19-july-1913, h. william HUNTER, Mertie Ann, b.1919, d.1981, *did not see this marker INMAN, Ann, b.23-mar-1811, d.23-sept-1895, double marker with mahulda daly (separate stone says aunt) IVIE, Lizzie Black, a. 57y, d.3-july-1913 JAYNES, Arthur Neal, b. 1881, d. 1950, double marker with helen taylor jaynes JAYNES, Helen Taylor, b. 1882, d. "unknown", double marker with arthur neal jaynes JAYNES, Mary E., b.10-sept-1862, d.25-oct-1906, h. w.c. jaynes JAYNES, Murl P., b. 24-jul-1910, d. 27-may-1995, double marker with randolph r jaynes JAYNES, Randolph R., b. 10-jul-1910, d. 13-dec-1992, double marker with murl p jaynes JORDAN, Arizona Bolt, b. 5-jul-1917, d. 2-jun-2002, h. jim clyde jordan, p. clarence franklin & besie enoree poole bolt JORDAN, Jewel "Buster", b. 7-feb-1937, d. no date of death, also here is melba garrett jordan & p. jim clyde and arizona bolt jordan JORDAN, Jim Clyde, b.25-dec-1904, d.1-jan-1987, p. branson & dessie mckern jordan, w. arizona bolt jordan JORDAN, Melba Garrett, b. 30-dec-1941, d. no date of death, same plot as arizona, jewell, jim clyde jordan KAY, Charles A., b.6-apr-1851, d.25-july-1919, w. elizabeth elrod kay KAY, Elizabeth Elrod, b.14-mar-1856, d.8-mar-1930, h. charles a KEESE, M. Almeda Craig, b.2-may-1913, d.23-mar-1953, beside wm. thomas keese KEESE, William Thomas, b.29-oct-1910, d.19-nov-1966, beside m. almeda craig keese KING, Alton Bearden, b.13-sep-1904, d.20-july-1996, p. sylvester cleckley & may bearden king, w. elizabeth copeland king KING, Bobbie Ruth Brooks, b.1903C, d.27-june-1996, p. frank & ella wilkins brooks, h. frank benjamin king,**did not see this marker KING, Christine Marie Sullivan, b.30-dec-1934, d.12-feb-2001, p. roy douglas sr. & dellie clementine thompson sullivan KING, Ellen C., b.1868, d.1937, double marker with john w. KING, Elmer H., b.4-feb-1875, d.30-dec-1895, p. j.v. & m.a. king,**did not see this marker KING, Eva Ann Lawless, b.13-feb-1906, d.3-oct-1997, p. wm. griffin & amanda lou mcalister lawless, h. luther KING, Frances May Bearden, b. 1877, d. 1938, double marker with h. sylvester bleckley king, (frances per sons obit)** stone reads f. may bearden king KING, Harold Bleckley, Sr., b. 17-feb-1912, d.28-mar-1987, p. sylvester bleckley & frances bearden king, w. ruth prater king, sf 2 us navy wwII KING, James Chester, b.19-nov-1893, d.21-june-1915, p. s.b. & f.m KING, James Garnet, b.18-sept-1895, d.21-feb-1901, p. j.s. & effie KING, John W., b.1858, d.1930, double marker with ellen c KING, Leslie Claude, 16-june-1935 only date, says sc fireman 1cl us navy KING, Luther Alvin, b.28-aug-1897, d.8-sept-1957, w. eva l king KING, Roger, b.1963, d.1963, double marker with sundra king KING, Ruth Prater, b. 24-aug-1916, d. no date of death, h. harold b king, sr. KING, Sundra, b.1966, double marker with roger KING, Sylvester Bleckley, b. 1870, d. 1951, double marker with w. frances may bearden king KINSEY, G.E., a.3 days, **did not see this marker KNOX, Rossie J. Mason, b.1-oct-1889, d.20-jan-1918, h. wm. j KNOX, William J., b.8-mar-1873, d.18-may-1936, w. rossie j. mason knox LAND, Guy, b.10-aug-1906, d.6-dec-1906, infant son of r.h. & m.e. land LAND, Infant son of rh & me land, b. 10-aug-1906, d. 6-dec-1906 LAND, Mary E. Harden, b.6-feb-1868, d.26-apr-1934, h. rbt. h LAND, Robert H., b.14-jan-1867, d.23-june-1924, w. mary e. harden land LAWLESS, Amanda M., b.16-nov-1877, d. 19__?, double marker with wm. g. LAWLESS, Jane Gibson, b.17-aug-1848, d.22-jan-1921, h. js lawless LAWLESS, Jimmie C., b.15-oct-1910, d.26-mar-1935 LAWLESS, William G., b.14-apr-1872, d.6-feb-1950, double marker with amanda m LAY, Brian Leon, b. 18-oct-1976, d.2-aug-1997, p. carroll leon & teresa ann gibson lay LAY, Doctor Freeman, b.9-feb-1927, d.7-june-1949, military: gunner's mate 3rd class LEMMONS, Josie, b.3-oct-1871, d.17-jan-1943, double marker with w.m. LEMMONS, Sabra Carroll, b. 18-sep-1930, d. no date of death, double marker with walter ray lemmons LEMMONS, W.M., b.3-mar-1866, d.25-feb-1934, double marker with josie LEMMONS, Walter Ray, b.18-may-1922, , d.9-jan-2000, w. sabra carroll lemmons, p. milton palmer & lizzie timms lemmons LEVERETTE, Ila Julia Bearden, b. no date, d.24-dec-1957, beside joseph zachary leverette LEVERETTE, Joseph Zachary, b.13-sept-1875, d.26-mar-1951, beside ila julia bearden leverette LINDLEY, Cynthia, b.21-june-1840, d.16-apr-1893, h. john lindley, p. vincent & e. baldwin, did not see this marker LOLLIS, Eliza Cole, b.1-july-1903, d.29-dec-1944, double marker with henry edward lollis LOLLIS, Henry Edward, b.6-sept-1903, d.25-oct-1948, double marker with eliza cole lollis, joan lollis here also LOLLIS, Joan b.23-sept-1929, d.2-may-1932, same plot as he & ec lollis MARTIN, Bridget Virginia, b.25-jan-1870, d.16-nov-1946, double marker with wm. davis martin MARTIN, Carey, b.27-sept-1912, d.5-aug-1916 MARTIN, inf. dau of wd &bv martin, b.9-oct-1907, d. 7-nov-1907 MARTIN, inf. son of wd & bv martin, 2-feb-1906, only date MARTIN, Leo Irving, b.11-apr-1899, d.10-feb-1942, military marker: sc as usnrf WWI MARTIN, Rosa, b.5-july-1903, d.23-nov-1908, p. w.d. & b.v. martin MARTIN, William Davis, b.12-apr-1861, d.29-jan-1932, double marker with bridget va. MASON, Alexander L., b.30-nov-1858, d.21-may-1904, p. james clary (sic) mason MASON, Allie V., b.17-dec-1892, d.27-apr-1981, next to r benson mason MASON, Alta Letha Cleveland, b. 13-oct-1913, d. no date of death, double marker with fred wesley mason MASON, Anna Beardon, b.30-oct-1870, d.20-sept-1959, beside james harrison mason MASON, Blanche B., b. 15-apr-1905, d. no date of death, double marker with waymon w mason MASON, Camilla Ann, 28-sept-1939, only date MASON, Charles Gwinn, b. 24-oct-1904, d. 10-may-1997, same plot as james harrison mason MASON, Clara, d. 3-nov-1917, a.76y, h. james mason MASON, Corine, b.7-apr-1903, d.2-may-1984, p. james harrison & anna bearden mason MASON, Elias Wilton, b.5-dec-1862, d.13-june-1918, w. susan ella grant mason MASON, Fred Wesley, b. 16-jul-1906, d. 16-aug-1992, double marker with alta letha cleveland mason MASON, Hennie Etta, b.4-feb-1870, d.10-mar-1900, p. james & clara MASON, James Harrison, b.12-oct-1877, d.5-feb-1960, beside anna bearden mason, also here: corrine, thelma, zelma, charles, fred & alta l c mason MASON, James, d.6-sept-1922, a. 93y, w. clara MASON, R. Benson, b.11-apr-1861, d.10-jan-1951, next to allie v mason MASON, Susan Ella Grant, b.18-june-1862, d.27-nov-1930, h. elias wilton mason MASON, Thelma Elizabeth, b. 12-jan-1915, d. no date of death, same plot as james harrison mason MASON, Waymon W., b.9-nov-1883, d.15-oct-1972, double marker with blanche b. MASON, Zelma Isabelle, b. 12-jan-1915, d. no date of death, same plot as james harrison mason MATTISON, Caroline E., b.3-june-1830, d.27-july-1904, h. lieut. J.f. mattison MAULDIN, Caroline Leathers, b.24-aug-1860, d.25-may-1934, h. ervin m MAULDIN, Ervin M., b.16-mar-1845, d.11-nov-1932, w. caroline leathers mauldin MAULDIN, Rebecca E. Rogers, b.28-apr-1844, d.2-june-1923, h. e.m. mauldin McABEE, Larry Edward, b.1961C, d.17-mar-1990, p. howard edward & rose mauldin mcabee,**did not see this marker McGUFFIN, A. B. b. 12-apr-1873, d. difficult to read, double marker with anna elrod mcguffin McGUFFIN, Anna Elrod, b. 4-dec-1879, d. 27-sep-1893, double marker with a b mcguffin, stone difficult to read McGUFFIN, Hattie Dorrah, b.9-feb-1881 or 1831, d. 30-oct-1893, stone difficult to read, next to john h mcguffin McGUFFIN, Hoyt Lee, b.22-june-1886, d.6-mar-1890, p. a.b. & anna mcguffin McGUFFIN, John H., b.23-oct-1822, d.23-feb-1904, next to hattie dorrah mcguffin MERRELL, Blanche A., b.25-feb-1880, d.5-june-1901, h. e.g. merrell, **did not see this marker MILES, Louisea Harris (negro), b.22-jan-1864, only date, **did not see this marker MILLER, Dorcas Satterfield, Mrs., no dates, **did not see this marker MOORE, Dora Reeder, b.22-jan-1878, d.22-nov-1937, h. jeff d. moore MOORE, G.F., b.10-may-1847, d.13-feb-1922 MOORE, Jeff D., b.10-feb-1870, d.7-feb-1930, w. dora reeder moore MOORE, James Ira, b.22-sept-1857, d.30-dec-1934, next to jd & dr moore MOORE, Margaret E., b.18-dec-1851, d.6-apr-1917, h. w.c MOORE, W.C., b.4-apr-1847, d.1-may-1929, w. margaret e. MORGAN, Abraham Lincoln "Tommy", b.1935C, d.21-may-1997, p. vando & addie knight morgan, w. helen winchester morgan, *did not see this marker MORGAN, Rodger Dale, b, 15-oct-1962, d.27-sept-1986, p. rodger lee & polly short morgan, w. jennifer ann king morgan next to rodger lee morgan MORGAN, Rodger Lee, b. 19-aug-1941, d. 19-sep-1994, next to rodger dale morgan MORGAN, Sarah A., b.1-nov-1800, d.28-may-1885, h. c.c. morgan, *did not see this marker MORTEN, W.M., Rev., b.1833, d.1895, morten as on stone, **did not see this marker MYERS, Bessie Bruce, b.22-nov-1894, d.15-july-1924, h. wm. c. MYERS, Carl Crayton, b.14-dec-1880, d.15-june-1950, p. henry j. & evie prichard myers, w. mary lou rogers myers MYERS, Eliza J., b. & d. 18-sept-1896 MYERS, Evie A., b.27-july-1858, d.5-mar-1936, double marker with henry j MYERS, Fannie Fagg, b.24-sept-1891, d.20-sept-1975, next to william c myers MYERS, Frank Rogers, Sr., b.12-feb-1915, d.28-july-1993, p. carl clayton & mary lou rogers myers, w. vinnie w., WWII vet MYERS, Henry J., b.16-apr-1858, d,12-june-1935, double marker with evie a MYERS, James Howell, Sr., b.16-mar-1920 in oakway sc, , d.22-oct-2000, a. 80 yrs., w. lucille mclees myers, p. carl crayton sr. & mary lou rogers myers, s1 us navy wwII MYERS, Janiece Livia Sheriff, b.26-aug-1937, d.12-july-1997, p. james ross & lois grant sheriff, w. charles r.,**did not see this marker MYERS, Mary Lou Rogers (mary louise rogers myers), b.7-nov-1885, d.11-dec-1970, p. frank anderson & onie clinkscales rogers, h. carl crayton myers MYERS, Paul W., b.4-jjune-1892, d.8-may-1895, MYERS, Vinnie W., b. 14-dec-1920, d. no date of death MYERS, William C., b.18-feb-1882, d.13-feb-1960, w. bessie bruce myers MYERS, William H., b.7-june-1918, d.11-jan-1944, military marker: sc 1st lt 509 aaf bomb sq WWII MYERS, William Henry, b. 1835, d. 1863, pvt co f orr's regt sc rifles csa NEWELL, Nancy Jane, b.dec-1855, d.3-apr-1933, h. s.p NEWELL, S.P., b.oct-1846, d.25-dec-1918, w. nancy jane NICHOLSON, infant son of Frank D. & Molly D., b.1970, d.1970 NICHOLSON, James R., b.3-mar-1894, d.21-nov-1967, military marker: sc f1 us navy WWI, next to lena r nicholson NICHOLSON, Lena R., b.10-may-1898, d.17-dec-1975, next to james r nicholson NICHOLSON, Mary R., b.19-may-1904, double marker with fred NYSTEL, Martha B., b.1-apr-1926, d.14-may-1973, military marker: sc sp4 us army ret korea vietnam ORSBORNE, Lottie J., b. 29-mar-1866, d. 22-jan-1893, h. e m orsborne PARKER, Beulah, b. & d.6-july-1924, double marker with eula PARKER, Eula, b. & d. 6-july-1924, double marker with beulah PELFREY, Lewis Julian, Jr., b.1953, d.21-feb-1991, p. l.j. pelfrey & ola mae cooper pelfrey qualls PHILLIPS, Elizabeth, no dates, 3-way casing with wm. & neal PHILLIPS, Neal, no dates, 3-way casing with wm. & elizabeth PHILLIPS, William, no dates, 3-way casing with elizabeth & neal, PITTS, Lizzie B., b.26-aug-1914, d.7-sept-1914, p. w.w & e.v. pitts PITTS, Luner V., b.6-feb-1912, d.10-may-1914, p. w.w. & e.v. pitts PRATER, baby boy, inf son of mr & mrs willie prater, 1925, only date PRATER, Donna Lee, inf dau of mr & mrs willie prater, 1950, only date PRATER, Grace Olga, b.1904, d.1966 PRATER, infant dtr. of mr. & mrs. l c, 5-aug-1955, only date PRATER, infant son of mr & mrs lc prater, 29-oct-1956, only date PRATER, L.T., b.8-mar-1878, d.1-june-1945, w. martha rowsettie smith prater PRATER, Leo Marion, b.5-sep-1939, d.17-feb-1994, p. cliff prater, ruth ballenger prater galbreath, army vet PRATER, Leverta, b.8-june-1910, d.30-june-1913, p. l.t. & m.s. prater PRATER, Martha Rowsettie Smith, b.18-june-1882, d.25-oct-1921, h. l.t PRATER, Rosa Harris, b.26-dec-1889, d.23-sept-1966, beside wm. l. PRATER, William L., b.6-june-1883, d.19-sept-1963, beside rosa harris prater PRICE, Andrew, b.28-dec-1853, d.25-nov-1858, double marker with reed price, next to frances price PRICE, BABY BOY, 1963 PRICE, Bessie J., b.1-dec-1898, d.26-mar-1974, double markerwith haskell lee price PRICE, Curtis Foster, b.30-june-1888, d.11-jan-1920, next to joe b price PRICE, Eunice L., b.4-aug-1900, d.5-july-1967, double marker with sam j PRICE, Frances, b.29-nov-1817, d.11-may-1862, h. j.g. price PRICE, Haskel Lee, b. 28-dec-1900, d. 23-nov-1968, double marker with bessie j price PRICE, Joe B., b.1866, d.1950, double marker with sarah sussie w price, also here is curtis foster price PRICE, Lemmel, Jr., b. 1963, d. 1963 PRICE, Ottis L., b.4-dec-1904, d.26-oct-1978, double marker with ruby r PRICE, Polley, b.9-may-1782, d.8-sept-1868, mother of j g price PRICE, Reed, b.25-june-1857, d.1-apr-1862, double marker with andrew PRICE, Ruby R., b.26-aug-1908, double marker with ottis l.,, PRICE, Sam J., b.25-oct-1887, d.20-mar-1958, double marker with eunice l price, also here is emma price broome PRICE, Sarah Sussie W., b.1868, d.1947, double marker with joe b PRICHARD, Eliza A., b.12-oct-1828, d.23-dec-1886 PRICHARD, Lula A., b.15-feb-1879, d.25-dec-1949, double marker with wade a PRICHARD, Wade A., b.1-feb-1877, d.8-may-1962, double marker with lula a PULLEN, Frank Edwin, p. p.l. & s.e. pullen, b.9-june-1895, d.16-aug-1901 PULLEN, J. McSwain, b.5-jan-1901, d.8-mar-1938, * did not see this marker PULLEN, Paten L., b.12-june-1854, d.23-july-1928, *did not see this marker PULLEN, R.F., b.10-nov-1850, d.1-jan-1896, *did not see this marker RICHEY, Ellen Wyona Bowen, b.1930C, d.15-oct-1997, p. adger dewitt & ethel augusta eubanks bowen ROACH, Sarah Elizabeth Lee, b.1924c, d.24-aug-1998, p. wm. a. & hattie taylor lee, *did not see this marker ROACH, Burman William "Buddy", b.1921C, d.13-jan-1998, p. bry jefferson & annie watkins roach, w. sarah elizabeth lee roach, air force vet WWII, purple heart, *did not see this marker ROBERTS, O.C. b.4-oct-1923, d.28-mar-1973, next to olin roberts & octavia roberts harden ROBERTS, Olin C., b.1879, d.1930, double marker with octavia g roberts harden, o c roberts here also ROGERS, Irvin Morris, b.21-june-1888, d.23-aug-1973, military marker: sc pvt us army WWI, w. mary standridge rogers, married: 5-may-1918 ROGERS, Lois, b.18-sept-1927, d.28-july-1928, p. e.m. & mary rogers ROGERS, Mary Standridge, b.28-dec-1901, d.18-oct-1927, h. irvin m ROGERS, Olive Deaton, b.1870, d.1935, h. james fred rogers, *did not see this marker ROGERS, Robert, baby, b. 12-apr-1922, d. 24-apr-1924, same plot as george gibson SHERIFF, Flora Grace Carter, b. 9-jun-1892, d.11-mar-1984, p. james a. & jane hall carter, h. wm. alexander sheriff SHERIFF, Keiffer Timms, b. 31-jul-1931, d. no date of death, h. ralph grady sheriff SHERIFF, Margaret R. Honea, b. 24-oct-1921, d. no date of death, h. ralph grady sheriff SHERIFF, Ralph Grady, b. 27-aug-1927, d.16-july-1989, p. william alexander & grace carter sheriff, w. keiffer timms sheriff SHERIFF, William Alexander, b.21-aug-1893, d.24-sept-1983, p. monroe & sally elizabeth esley sheriff, w. flora grace carter sheriff, SHERIFF, William Claude, b. 7-nov-1915, d.10-nov-1990, p. william alexander & grace carter sheriff, w. margaret reith honea sheriff, cox us army wwII SIMPSON, Ben Hubert, b.24-aug-1917, d.9-aug-1919, p. b.j. & rosa lee simpson SIMPSON, Ben J., b.18-june-1893, d.11-oct-1948, double marker with rosa l. heller simpson, also here juanita, wm marvin & ben hubet simpson SIMPSON, Juanita, b.23-july-1927, d.24-july-1927 SIMPSON, Rosa L. Heller, b.9-june-1895, d.8-nov-1977, double marker with ben j., son's inscription gives name as rosa lee SIMPSON, William Marvin, b.20-july-1928, d.16-sept-1928 SINGLETARY, Evelyn G., b. 17-jun-1916, d. no date of death, single marker SITTON, James Edward, b. SITTON, Mary Kelley, b.26-nov-1914, d.22-june-1958, beside james edward sitton SLATER, Alma T., b.1900C, d.2-jan-1987, p. j.l. & cassie green slater SLATER, Annie V., b.26-nov-1887, d.6-mar-1978 SLATER, Ballie, b.1-nov-1900, d.24-aug-1901, p. j.l. & g.l. slater SLATER, Cassie L. Green, b.1-dec-1861, d.4-oct-1935, h. joseph lawrence slater SLATER, Edward M., b.30-sept-1884, d.31-aug-1958 SLATER, Elvie Bell, b.10-dec-1896, d.25-june-1926 SLATER, Emory Crayton, b.23-aug-1885, d.11-july-1951 SLATER, Hildegard, b.1908, d.11-oct-1985, p. j.l. & cassie green slater SLATER, Joseph Lawrence, w. cassie l SLATER, Sarah F. Morgan, b.5-may-1835, d.23-feb-1923, h. edward slater SLATER, Tolbert McGee, b.17-sept-1902, d.19-jan-1961 SLATER, William E., b.12-nov-1857, d.18-aug-1894 SLAYTON, Laura P., b.16-sept-1863, d.11-may-1910, at foot of wm b slaytons grave SLAYTON, William B., b.12-apr-1856, d.10-may-1934, at the head of laura p slaytons grave SMITH, Bertha H., b.10-may-1891, d.5-apr-1976, double marker with clint a SMITH, Sara, b.14-dec-1839, d.4-july-1922 SMTIH, Clint A. b.2-june-1884, d.13-jan-1955, double marker with bertha h. SPEARMAN, Eliphus L., b. Jan-1887, d. dec-1950, double marker with tannie land spearman SPEARMAN, James Clarence, b.14-sep-1920, d.8-mar-1999, w. gladys brooks spearman, p. eliphus & tannie land spearman, 1st w. montez looper spearman, s1 us navy wwII, "jake" SPEARMAN, Tannie Land, b.21-apr-1891, d.28-oct-1935, double marker with eliphus l. spearman SPEARMAN, Verlene, b.2-dec-1909, d.6-june-1932, p. tannie & e.l. spearman SPIVA, Charles H., b. 13-jun-1934, d. no date of death STANDRIDGE, John Henry, b. 28-jan-1865, d. 17-dec-1942, next to exie standridge bearden TANNERY, Levi F., b.1861, d.1945, double marker with mary m. tannery TANNERY, Mary M., b.1865, d.1949, double marker with levi f. tannery TAYLOR, Adele Grant, Mrs., b.6-may-1903, d.24-dec-1966 TAYLOR, Itura, b.30-apr-1892, d.21-aug-1892, a. 3m 21d, double marker with zila taylor TAYLOR, Margie, b.22-jan-1901, d.2-sept-1902, p. f.s.& c.e. taylor TAYLOR, Zila, b.24-dec-1908, d.22-may-1909, a. 6m 29d, double marker with itura taylor TEASLEY, Clarence, no dates, p. j.b. & mary teasley TEASLEY, John B., b.2-feb-1896, d.30-may-1952, beside laddie gillian teasley TEASLEY, John Henry, no dates, p. j.b. & mary teasley TEASLEY, Laddie Gilliam, b.22-june-1910, d.14-oct-1934, next to john b teasley TEASLEY, Mary Smith, b.1894, d.4-mar-1929, h. john b. teasley, children: clarence and john henry here TEASLEY, William Curtis, b.7-dec-1937, d.20-aug-1958 THRASHER, Hubert A.C., b.24-nov-1924, d.21-june-1989, p. henry grady & nina pearman thrasher, w. laura jean ables thrasher THRASHER, Laura Jean Ables, b. 14-nov-1927, d. no date of death, h. hubert a c thrasher TIMMS, Ellen E., b.1867, d.1944, double marker with thomas t. timms TIMMS, Eula, b.19-nov-1917, d.26-feb-1919, p. t.a. & g. timms TIMMS, Gertrude S., b.17-aug-1900, d.15-nov-1976, double marker with rev. t. albert timms TIMMS, Rev. T. Albert, b.16-july-1898, d.21-nov-1969, double marker with gertrude s. timms TIMMS, Thomas T., b.1868, d. 1898, double marker with ellen e. timms TIMMS, Walter, b.1-july-1923, d.13-nov-1923, p. t.a. & g. timms TUCKER, Charley Madison, b. 1850, d. 1929, beside elizabeth aikens tucker TUCKER, Elizabeth Aikens, b. 1855, d. 1929, beside charley madison tucker VARNADOE, John W., b. 23-jan-1871, d. 25-jan-1935 VARNADORE, Carolyn H., b.1897, d. 1981 VARNADORE, Clara G., b. 1901, d. 1935, double marker with levis a. varnadore VARNADORE, Levis A., b. 1899, d. 1975, double marker with clara g. varnadore VARNADORE, William Eugene, b. 18-jan-1930, d. 2-aug-1984, p. levis arnold & clara gambrell varnadore, army vet vietnam VOLBERDING, W. R., b. 24-aug-1932, d. 21-aug-2000 WALTERS,Perry, b. 27-apr-1895, d. 30-jan-1971, military marker: sc pvt btry f 16 fld arty WWI WESTMORELAND, J. Roy, b. 2-sept-1946, d. 19-oct-1946 WESTMORELAND, Lois Myrtle S., b. 7-sep-1914, d. 7-nov-1995, p. alex & grace carter sheriff, h. wm. lawrence westmoreland WESTMORELAND, William Lawrence, b.18-jul-1914, d.12-dec-1998, w. lois sheriff westmoreland, p. tinnie & margaret stewart westmoreland WHITE, Ellen Haney, b. 31-mar-1915, d. no date of death, h. leonard hill white WHITE, Leonard Hill, b. 2-feb-1915, d. 2-nov-1982, p. homer robert & leila singleton white, w. ellen haney white WHITE, Martha M., b. 16-feb-1886, d. 4-may-1971, double marker with wm. l. white WHITE, Nora Barker, b. 21-mar-1895, d. 1-aug-1983, p. wm. joel & dora scott mcguffin barker, h. lewis a. white WHITE, Omalee Outz, b. 5-feb-1911, d. 7-feb-1994, p. john w. & climelia (richey), h. wm. grady white WHITE, William Grady, b. 28-mar-1917, d. 10-june-1993, p. homer & leila singleton white, w. omalee outz white WHITE, William L., b. 3-apr-1881, d. 6-jun-1966, double marker with martha m. white WHITE, Roubin Moss "R.M.", b. 15-feb-1955, d. 2-sept-1968 WHITMAN, Edith Sheriff, b. 21-jul-1945, d. no date of death, double marker with joseph walter whitman WHITMAN, Joseph Walter, b. 11-feb-1941, d. 6-feb-1998, p. joseph c. & agnes norris whitman, w. edith sheriff whitman, army vet Korea WILLIAMS, Earley, b. 12-aug-1908, d. 16-jan-1978, double marker with octivia williams WILLIAMS, Octivia, b. 19-oct-1906 in stephens county georgia, d. 20-jul-2000d h. earley williams, double marker with earley williams, p. ralph & georgia hilley jordan WOOTEN, Annie L., d. 9-dec-1900, a. 60y, p. amos wooten